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Rotate PDF pages

Rotate your PDFs online for free. You can select one or multiple pages and rotate them at once!

Rotate PDF Pages - Rotate Pages in Your PDF Document

Our Free Online PDF Rotation tool allows you to easily rotate specific pages in your PDF. Whether you need to fix pages that were scanned incorrectly or just want to adjust the orientation of certain pages, this tool makes it simple. Upload your PDF, select the pages to rotate, and adjust them to the desired angle.

This tool is perfect for anyone who has PDF pages that are oriented incorrectly. You can rotate individual pages by 90, 180, or 270 degrees to correct the layout. It’s an essential tool for ensuring your PDF’s readability and presentation.

Free to use and accessible through any browser, this tool requires no installation. It’s a fast and easy way to rotate pages in your PDF, making sure the document is organized the way you want it.